Letter recognition
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7 621 tulemust otsingule 'letter recognition'
Letter or Number Sort
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Qq Whack a Mole
Löö mutti
p, b or d?
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Recognizing Beginning "C"
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
t, b, f sound sort
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Letter and Keyword
Leia sobiv
Words beginning with b and d
Match Uppercase & Lowercase Letters (week 5)
b and d sort (reversals)
Õige või vale
Find Beginning "C"
Õhupallide torkamine
Dice Match 1 -6
Sobivad paarid
Whack Beginning "C"
Löö mutti
Air Sounds Quiz Show
Short "o" Whack
Löö mutti
Words that start with "C"
Õhupallide torkamine
Letter Recognition
Juhuslikud kaardid
R-Controlled Vowels - ar, er, ir, or, ur
Löö mutti
Sound Sort (b, t, c, )
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Uppercase-Lowercase Alphabet Match
Leia sobiv
Letter Recognition A - M
Leia sobiv
Letter Recognition A-J
Leia sobiv
Lowercase Letter Recognition
Juhuslik ratas
b and d sort
Õige või vale
B and D letter recognition
Sobivad paarid
Letter/Sound recognition
Sobivad paarid
Initial Sounds/Letter Recognition
Letter Recognition A-J
Leia sobiv
Initial Sounds/Letter Recognition
Letter/word recognition
Juhuslik ratas
Letter Nn
Löö mutti
Letter Ee
Löö mutti
Letter Jj
Löö mutti
Letter Ii
Löö mutti
Letter Aa
Löö mutti
Letter Ll
Löö mutti
Letter Pp
Löö mutti
Letter R r
Löö mutti
Letter and vc words
Juhuslik ratas
Letter Recognition
Löö mutti
Random Letter Spinner
Juhuslik ratas
Letter-sound match
Sobivad paarid
Find the letter Ff
Jälitus labürindis
Matching Uppercase and Lowercase Letters
Sobivad paarid
Uppercase-Lowercase Alphabet Match
Leia sobiv
Matching uppercase and lowercase letters
Õhupallide torkamine
Uppercase-Lowercase Alphabet Match
Leia sobiv
Letter Sound Assessment
Teen Number Spinner (EDM 5.8)
Juhuslik ratas
Letter to Sound Match-Up
Number of the Day (1-20) T3
Plaatide ümberüööramine
Letter Recognition Deck: Uppercase
Juhuslik ratas
Letter M
Löö mutti
Number Recognition 0 to 20
3-letter words with short /e/