Adult educationLevel 1 Functional SkillsLevel 2 Functional SkillsPunctuationL1.18 Use knowledge of punctuationL1.14 Use organisational and structural featuresL2.16 Understand organisational features
Adult educationEntry Level 3 Functional SkillsLevel 1 Functional SkillsLevel 2 Functional SkillsEnglishFunctional Skills EnglishE2.14 Form regular plurals2022 Winter OlympicsL1.18 Use knowledge of punctuationE3.10 Identify different purposes of textsE3.11 Use strategies to find word meaningsL1.13 Use reference materials for various purposesL2.19 Identify writing styles writers voiceE3.9 Identify understand main points ideasE3.17 Spell words designated for Entry Level 3L1.12 Language varies with audience purposeL1.9 Identify understand main points detail