OC Chibi, OC Crying, OC Angry, OC in a dress, Oc in Maid Outfit, OC with their crush, OC Blushing, OC as a dragon, OC as a wolf, OC stalking someone they know, OC kawaii, OC opening a jar, OC with their family, OC confessing to their crush, OC eating favorite food, OC getting married, OC in pajamas, OC in a cosplay, OC with weapon, OC in winter outfit , Rainbow girl/boy, OC lazy, OC in swimsuit, OC playing sport, OC dancing, OC in rain, Spin again, OC cooking, OC nervous, OC killing the one/ones they love, OC dancing while crying, OC as a demon, OC as an angel, OC dead, OC being called something they're not, OC killing someone/done killing someone, OC in clothes too big/small, OC embarrassed, OC in a maid outfit, OC genderbend, OC being pat on the head, OC as a dog, wolf, cat, bear, etc, person, OC with some kind of wings, OC in a dream/nightmare, OC as a villain, hero, whatever the opposite of the is, OC on a date, OC watching the one they love suffer, OC as a character from a game, OC goth, OC reading their crush's mind.
OC Challenge (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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