My mum enjoys __________ (watch) films online. - watching, I prefer __________ (go) to concerts to __________ (go) to the cinema. - going; going, I sometimes forget __________ (charge) my phone overnight. - to charge, Jake decided __________ (leave) his phone at home for the day! He went crazy! - to leave, My gran is learning __________ (use) Facebook - she's doing really well. - to use, I can't stand __________ (get) texts on my phone from advertisers. - getting, I'm learning __________ (type) without looking. - to type, When did you finish __________ (do) your homework? - doing, Denis never forgets __________ (do) her homework. - to do, Sue keeps __________ (send) me videos of cats. - sending, My dad can't stand __________ (talk) on the phone. - talking, We tried __________ (spend) a day without our phones. - to spend,

Wider World 2, 4.4 Verb Patterns



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