1) Next period I _______ an exam in German. a) make b) take c) do 2) The only matter I do not ________ seriously, boy, is you. a) take b) make c) do 3) Now, this is just a consultation, so _______ your best to relax. a) do b) make c) take 4) You ought to _________up your mind what you want. a) do b) make c) take 5) May I _______ a suggestion, sir? a) do b) take c) make 6) Some people ______ research on more interesting things than instruments. a) do b) make c) take 7) She _______ a mess of her life. a) did b) made c) took d) taken 8) No damage had been _______, and we pushed the van back onto the road. a) done b) made c) taken 9) We should _______ a long hard look at the way we deal with refugees in this country. a) do b) make c) take 10) Can we _______________ photo, please? a) do b) make c) take 11) Well, _____ me a favour and throw me your phone and wallet, please. a) do b) make c) take 12) Sounds like we better find this Dr. Chandler and ______ an appointment. a) do b) make c) take 13) Because he cannot afford surgery, he has to _______painkillers. a) do b) make c) take 14) It ______ sense to keep such information on disk. a) does b) makes c) takes

Solutions intermediate U 4E phrasal verbs



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