1) If you like computers, games, and are creative, what job is right for you? a) Farmer b) Engineer c) Game Designer/Developer d) Music Producer e) Data Entry Clerk 2) If you like being around children and are helpful and energetic, what job is right for you? a) Pediatrician b) Bus Driver c) Dog Groomer d) Marine Biologist e) Day Care Worker 3) If you like animals and enjoy the ocean, what job is right for you? a) Zookeeper b) Pilot c) Postal Worker d) Marine Biologist e) Teacher 4) If you like to be active, enjoy competition, and are strong, what job is right for you? a) Project Manager b) Football Player c) Actor d) Archeologist e) Astronaut 5) If you enjoy learning about space, what job is right for you? a) Chef b) Hotel Housekeeper c) Attorney d) Nurse e) Astronomer 6) If you like performing in front of people and can memorize lines, what job is right for you? a) Production Assistant b) Actor c) Anthropologist d) Policeman e) Fitness Trainer 7) If you like dogs and are dependable, what job is right for you? a) Waiter b) Dog Groomer c) Dog Walker d) Ski Instructor e) Warehouse Clerk 8) If you are a good listener and enjoy helping people, what job is right for you? a) Chauffer b) Freight Worker c) Electrician d) Social Worker e) Mechanic 9) If you are good with money and enjoy talking with people, what job is right for you? a) Accountant b) Cashier c) Plumber d) Teacher e) Grocery Stocker 10) If you enjoy helping people, can work a flexible schedule (like on the weekends), and are a good negotiator, what job is right for you? a) Lawyer b) Chef c) Web Designer d) Realtor e) Construction Worker 11) If you enjoy helping people improve their movements and you are very careful and caring, what job is right for you? a) Dentist b) Occupational Therapist c) Pharmacist d) Hair Stylist e) Physical Therspist 12) If you enjoy fashion, sewing, and are creative, what job is right for you? a) Costume Designer b) Coach c) Musician d) Private Investigator e) Fashion Designer 13) If you enjoy being outdoors, love nature, and want to help the environment, what job is right for you? a) Food Inspector b) Park Ranger c) Graphic Designer d) Scientist e) Environmental Scientist 14) If you are fascinated by history, love learning and teaching new things, what job is right for you? a) Biologist b) Artist c) Dental Assistant d) History Teacher e) Writer 15) If you enjoy working by yourself and like a quiet work environment, what job is right for you? a) Air Traffic Controller b) Data Entry Clerk c) Waitress d) Day Care Worker e) Referee
Appropriate Job for You
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