Motif X is stated by the flute in F# minor. Descends. , Motif X inverted. Ascends. Modified with two quavers to end instead. Moving to E minor. Motif divided between Cello and Flute., Motif X still presented by the flute. Moving to D major- relative major. , Motif Y played by the flute with a modified ending- the last two quavers replaced by four semiquavers. Transposed., Motif Y1 continues to be presented by the flute. Transposed copy of the previous Motif Y1. Perfect cadence confirms the key of D Major. Trills used. , Motif X is modified and presented by basso continuo. A wide two-octave leap. The last crotchet now replaced with a quaver and two semiquavers. Initial phrase of a sequence. , Motif X remains with the cellos. Opens with another wide leap. The last crotchet replaced with two quavers. Returns to tonic key- B minor. Answering phrase to the sequence. , Motif X presented as part of a musical conversation between the flute and 1st violin. Altered pitch shape. Decorated by appoggiatura and rapid demisemiquaver movement. , Motif Y returns in the flute part and opens with a demisemiquaver rhythm as opposed to semiquavers., Modified Motif X divided between flute and basso continuo. Original crotchet at the end replaced with ascending demisemiquaver movement. , Modified Motif X in Cello bringing a close to Section B. Altered pitch shape. Ends with less rapid rhythm compared to previous bars..

Eduqas- Bach Badinerie Bar 16-40



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