10: You have full criminal responsibility for your actions and can be convicted of a criminal offence., 14: You can get a part-time job, 16: You can buy aerosol paint., You can enter a bar on your own, but you can only buy non-alcoholic drinks., You can drink beer, cider or wine with a meal if you are with a person over the age of 18., You may join the armed forces with the consent of your parents / guardian., You can change your name, You can hold a license to drive a moped, You can work full-time if you have left school, You can buy a National Lottery ticket., You can enter into a housing contract. , You can marry or register a civil partnership with parental consent, If you are female, you can buy emergency contraception (the ‘morning after’ pill) over-the-counter in a pharmacy., You can buy a pet., You can consent to all sexual activity (heterosexual and homosexual) involving anyone aged 16 years and over., You can apply for your own passport without parental consent, 17: You can donate blood without parental consent, You can hold a licence to drive a car, 18: You can buy and drink alcohol in a bar., You can join the armed forces forces without parental consent., You can buy fireworks., You can enter a betting shop and place a bet., You can leave home without parental consent., You can get married without parental consent., You can vote in general and local elections., You can become a Member of Parliament, a local councillor or a mayor., You can get a tattoo., You can buy cigarettes,
Legal age
Adult education
UK citizenship
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