Militarism - belief that a country should have a strong military force and be prepared to use it to aggressively promote its interests., Alliances- agreements between nations stating that each country will assist the other if they are attacked, Imperialism- act of extending control over a foreign nation or territory., Nationalism- pride in one’s nation and the accompanied development of patriotic feelings, shared histories, and efforts to protect national interests., SPARK - Archduke of Austria-Hungary is assassinated by Serbian nationalist Princip , July, 1914 Austria-Hungary (backed by Germany) declares war with Serbia , Russia mobilizes to support Serbia , Germany declares war on Russia & France , Germany invades neutral Belgium to quickly defeat France. Great Britain declares war on Germany. Germany is not successful at defeating the French., Central Powers - Germany, Austria Hungary, Ottoman Empire , Allied Powers - France, Russia, Great Britain , Due to industrial revolution and the invention of the machine gun, movement of soldiers stopped and trenches were dug on the Western Front , Western Front- Germany vs. France & UK, Eastern Front - Germany vs. Russia , New technology to overcome the stalemate was developed including poison gas, airplanes, and tanks , Fall of 1917, Russia drops out of World War 1 due to a communist revolution , US troops arrive in Europe after declaring war on Germany in Spring of 1917, Germany and her allies realized it was no longer possible to win the war. The leaders of the German army told the government to stop. Kaiser Wilhelm, Germany's ruler, stepped down on 9 November 1918. The leaders of the German army told the government to stop. Kaiser Wilhelm, Germany's ruler, stepped down on 9 November 1918., The leaders of the German army told the government to stop. Kaiser Wilhelm, Germany's ruler, stepped down on 9 November 1918..
World War 1
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