1) He ________(watch) TV when the telrphone __________ (ring). a) watched, rang b) was watching, rang c) watched, was ringing d) was watching, was ringing 2) I______ (clean) the house while he _______ (work) in the garden. a) were cleaning, was working b) was cleaning, worked c) was cleaning, was working d) cleaned, worked 3) When we _______ (find) a cat, it ________ (play) under the bed. a) found, played b) were finding, played c) found, was playing d) finded, played 4) Joan ______ (have) a shower when her friends __________ (come). a) was having, came b) had, was coming c) was having, was coming d) had, were coming 5) My brother _______ (build) a sandcastle while our parents ___________ (swim) in the sea. a) was building, were swimming b) built, swam c) was building, was swimming d) was building, swam 6) When I ______ (arrive) home, Father _________ (paint) the front door. a) arrived, painted b) was arriving, was painting c) arrived, was painting d) was arriving, painted 7) Jack and Ann _______ (walk) when it _____ (start) to rain. a) was walking, started b) walked, was starting c) were walking, was starting d) were walking, started 8) What _________(you/talk) about when I _______ (come) in? a) were you talking, came b) you were talking, came c) did you talk, was coming d) was you talking, came 9) Mother _______ (break) the vase while she ________ (dust) it. a) broke, dusted b) was breaking, was dusting c) broke, was dusting d) breaked, was dusting 10) As Laura ________ (wash) the glass, she _________ (cut) her finger. a) washed, cut b) was washing, was cutting c) was washing, cutted d) was washing, cut 11) What ________ (your mum/do) while you ________ (do) the washing up? a) was your mum doing, were doing b) your mum was doing, did c) your mum doing, were doing d) was your mum doing, was doing 12) Martin _______ (swim) when he ______ (see) a shark. a) was swimmimg, was seeing b) swam, was seeing c) was swimimg, saw d) was swimmimg, saw
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