What are we going to do this summer?, Did Tom tell you where he was going?, What are you going to do about that?, Did Tom tell you what his plans are?, What are you going to do about them?, Can you tell me when Tom'll be back?, What are you going to do about this?, Call Tom and tell him we'll be late., What are you going to do with those?, Are you telling me Tom didn't do it?, I'll try to be as brief as possible., I saw Tom holding hands with a girl., How many pairs of shoes do you have?, Tom sat up in bed and looked around., How much do you think this is worth?, Tom sat on the bench all by himself., How many people are on the list now?, I'm trying to find a picture of Tom., How much bread do you eat every day?, We've got to take Tom to the doctor., How much longer do you think I have?, Tom is really busy most of the time., How much longer is it going to take?, Tom was carrying a big bag of candy., How much money do you have saved up?, Tom took a big swig from the bottle., Do you have any free time on Monday?, Tom asked Mary to run away with him., I know exactly where I left my keys., Can't Tom get someone else to do it?, The cat likes to play in the garden., I don't want to be friends with Tom., It's hard to get by on minimum wage., I'm trying to get in touch with Tom., All of my kids want to learn French., I plan to speak with Tom about that., Do you actually know how to do this?, I'd like a word with Tom in private., Do you know the chords to this song?, I guess I won't be seeing Tom again., Do you want to go out for breakfast?, Are you sure that man's name is Tom?, How many laps do you swim every day?, See what you can find out about Tom., I didn't know how to swim very well., I just got a weird message from Tom., I go ice skating every chance I get., Why should I share my food with Tom?, I go to the library every other day., When are you going to meet with Tom?,
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