Series Circuits - A circuit with only 1 pathway, Parallel Circuits - A circuit with many pathways, Resistance - A measurement of how difficult it is for electricity to flow (Ohms), Voltage - A measurement of the difference in energy potential at the two sides of a power source (Volts), Current - A measurement of the direction and speed of electricity (Amps), Alternating Current - A current that changes direction periodically, Direct Current - A current that flows in one direction, Digital Signals - A numerical record of information, Analog Signals - A continuous, hard copy of information, Binary Code - Computer language consisting of 1s and 0s, Nikola Tesla - Inventor of AC Current, partnered with Westinghouse, Thomas Edison - Inventor of DC Current, and many other patents., 011 - Binary code for a lowercase letter, 010 - Binary code for a capital letter, Records, film cameras, tape recorders - Examples of analog technology, CDs, DVDs, iPhones - Examples of digital technology, Battery, conductive wire, something to do the work - The necessary components of a circuit., Ohm's Law - Resistance = Voltage / Current, Bit map - A form of decoding binary. Blank squares represent a 0, filled squares represent a 1, Electricity Wars - The battle between Edison and Tesla for primary current usage in the United States. AC Power, invented by Tesla and Westinghouse, won.,
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