Metaphor- A comparison between two unlike things without using like or as - He was a lion, ready to pounce on the football and run ferociously, Simile- A comparison between two unlike things using like or as - Life is like a box of cherries, you never know what you're going to get, Onomatopoeia- Sound words - RRRRiinnnnggg, RRRRRrrrinnnggg, the telephone blared relentlessly into the silence., Dialogue- a conversation between characters that provides insight that moves along the plot or provides insight into the characterization. - "Good morning!" Lily shouted "Hi buddy!" Liu shouted back, Repetition- When the author repeats words and phrases to add emphasis - Shake it off, shake it off!, Imagery- Phrases that evoke one of the five senses, taste, touch, smell, hear or see - The rotting garbage had an acrid smell and flies swarmed to it., Irony-When you expect something to happen and the opposite occurs - The tortoise won the race and the fast hare lost. , Symbolism- When the author uses a person, place or thing to represent an idea. - The author used a dog, Old Yeller to represent loyalty and friendship., Foreshadowing- Hints the author gives of events to come - In the fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood, the mother is concerned for her daughter's safety., Hyperbole- An extreme exaggeration - I am so old, I ran track with the dinosaurs,
Literary Devices Examples
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
Literary Devices
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