What are your favorite things to make, create, or build?, What would your teachers say your strengths are?, What do you want to be when you grow up?, What do you like about yourself?, If you were famous, what would you be famous for?, What do you enjoy learning about when you are not in school?, When have you been brave?, When do you feel calm and peaceful?, What makes you a good friend?, What are three things you enjoy doing?, What are you really good at?, What is your favorite subject in school?, What is something positive you can tell yourself when you're feeling sad?, What helps you when you feel angry?, What is a problem that you solved? How did you solve it?, Share about a time that you helped someone., What are three things you are grateful for?, What is something you have accomplished?, What is your happiest memory?, What is something you could teach other people about?, What are your favorite ways to spend time with your family?, What would you like to get better at?, What would your family say your strengths are?, What is your favorite quality about yourself?, What are five words that describe you?, What makes you laugh?, What is something kind you've done for someone lately?.
Self-Esteem Wheel
Social studies
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on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.
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