1) Ginny set _______ to arrange transport for everyone to the airport. a) out b) about c) off 2) OK, we're in Delhi and we've lost our luggage. So, how do we set _______ finding some clothes and a toothbrush? a) back b) about c) aside 3) Right, the itinerary says we're going down the Nile on Tuesday, and to see the Pyramids on Wednesday and Thursday. Can some time be set _______ for shopping in Cairo on Friday? a) apart b) off c) aside 4) What sets the islands _______ from other places is the friendliness of the locals. a) back b) aside c) apart 5) Simon started going on backpacking holidays when he was at university, and has now set _______ a blog offering young people advice on how to get around Europe and Asia. a) up b) back c) out 6) While in India, Carl caught malaria, which set him _______ 10 days on his tour. a) back b) out c) off 7) Trudi wanted to reach the summit by lunchtime, so she set _______ at 6 a.m. a) about b) up c) off

Week 24 CPE Phrasal verbs with 'set'



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