Atmosphere - The atmosphere is the layer of gas that surrounds Earth. It is often called air., Climate - The pattern or cycle of weather conditions (temperature, wind, rain, snowfall, humidity, and clouds), over large areas that are averaged over many years, Forecast - Weather forecasting is a prediction of what the weather will be like in an hour, tomorrow, or next week, Humidity - moisture in the air, Meteorology - The study of weather and weather patterns, Meteorologist - A scientist who studies weather, Precipitation - Any form of water that falls from clouds and reaches Earth's surface. Rain/sleet/snow/hail, Rotation - The spinning of Earth on its axis, Seasons - one of the four periods of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter). Time of the year that is characterized by particular conditions of weather, temperature., Temperature - a measure of how cold or hot the air temperature is, Thermometer - A tool used to measure temperature, Weather - the condition of the atmosphere at a given time and place, Weather Map - a map that uses symbols to show weather data, Wind - moving air in our atmosphere,
Weather and climate
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