Conditionally - Amino acids that become essential under certain circumstances, Nonessential - Amino acids that the body can synthesize, Essential - Amino acids consumed only through the diet, Pepsinogen - What enzyme does HCl activate?, Quaternary - 2+ polypeptide chains bonded together, Tertiary - Protein that takes a 3D shape, Secondary - Protein that takes a folded shape, Primary - A chain of amino acids, Complementary - 2 or more proteins that together contain all the essential AA, Good quality - Easily digested proteins that have all the essential AA, Incomplete - A protein that doesn't contain all essential AA, Denatured - Protein that has had its form altered, Complete - Protein with 9 essential amino acids, Conjugated - Protein that contains amino acids bonded to other elements, Simple - Protein that contains amino acids only,

Protein 2


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