1) Do you often use public transport? 2) What is the most dangerous form of transport? Why? 3) What is the safest form of transport? Why? 4) Would you like to go on a cruise? Why/Why not? 5) What are the pros and cons of using public transport? 6) What means of transportation do people prefer to use when travelling? Why? 7) Is there any environmentally-friendly transport in your area? 8) Do you like traveling by plane? 9) Have you ever missed your last train or bus home? 10) Have you ever got on to a moving bus or train? Have you ever got out of a moving bus or train? 11) Is traffic a serious problem in your city? What do you usually do when you are stuck in a traffic jam? 12) Have you ever used public tranport abroad? Are there any differences? 13) Have you ever taught someone to drive? Do you think it's difficult? 14) Have you ever rented a bike? Does your city have a bike rental scheme? Do you think it is a good idea? 15) Would you like to own a driverless car? 16) What does the word "carpooling" mean? Do you think carpooling can be a cheaper alternative to public transport?




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