What's your favorite comfort food?, If you owned a boat what would you call it?, Are you easy or hard to please?, What's your favorite inexpensive wine?, What news stories have you been following?, Which was the best decade for music?, What do you eat in the middle of the night?, What do you wish you had a picture of?, If you could spend one week at any hotel which would you choose?, Would you rather be lucky or wise?, What do you enjoy eating when you're alone?, What's in your refrigerator right now?, What's your favorite place to eat lunch?, When's the last time you went dancing?, Who taught you to drive?, What do you love about your hometown?, Where would you take a cruise?, If you could be great at one sport which would you choose?, What's your most favorite pair of shoes you've ever owned?, What's the craziest diet you've tried?, Where would you like to ride horseback?, What have you learned this week?, What jobs did you have during your teen years?, Have you ever taken a bad vacation?, What do you wish you had learned in school?.
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