2 - # of people it takes to be considered a foodborne illness outbreak an outbreak, 2 Hours - When cooling food it should be cooled to below 70F within______, 4 Hours - When cooling food, you have_______ to get it from 70F to below 41F, 24 Hours - Food that must be labeled if it is going to be held longer than _______, 30 seconds - Items being sanitized by heat or sanitizer solution must soak for how long?, 4 Inches - Tabletop equipment need to be on legs at least _________ off the table, 6 inches - Food, Floor mounted equipment, clean and sanitized utensils and tableware needs to be on legs at least ________ off the ground, 7 days - Amount of time Ready to eat TCs foods can be stored before throwing out , 7 seconds - Items being sanitized by chlorine sanitizer should be soaked for at least, 7 inches - Sneeze guards should extend _________ past the food, 7 - Number of HACCP Principles , 90 days - Length of time shell stock identification tags should be kept for after last item was served , 41F - Cold food should be received at ________ or lower, 45F or lower - Air temp that live shellfish, shucked shellfish, milk and eggs should be received at, 135F - Temp that cooked fruits and veggies need to be cooked to, at least 135F - Serving utensils (like scoops) kept under running water must use water at least 135F, 145F - Temp that eggs that will be served immediately need to be cooked to, 155F - Temp eggs that will be hot-held for service need to be cooked to, What temperature rarities (like ostrich or emu) needs to be cooked to - 155F, 165F - Temp all poultry should be cooked to, Re-Heated and Microwave food must be heated to at least what temperature - 165F, When food is held for service, Temp must be checked how often - 4 hours ,
ServeSafe Numbers 1
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