Articles of Confederation - 1st government of United States, Lasted 10 years, Was very weak, Constitutional Convention - Delegates met in Philadelphia to discuss revising the Articles of Confederation , Federalist - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, Wanted Strong Central Government , Anti-Federalist - Partick Henry, George Mason, Sam Adams, Wanted Weak Central Government, Virginia Plan - Big State plan, Turned into House of Representatives, Representation depended on population, New Jersey Plan - Small state plan, Turned into Senate, Equal representation, Great Compromise - Proposed by Roger Sherman, Used both plans, created Bi-Cameral government, 3/5th Compromise - Slaves counted as 3/5th of a person, for voting and taxes, Constitution - A "living" document that can be Amended (changed), Congress - The body of government that is made up by the Senate and House of Representatives, House of Representatives - 435 members, Representation depends on Population, Senate - 100 members, Equal representation , 3 branches of government - Legislative, Executive, Judicial , Legislative branch - branch that makes the laws, Executive branch - branch that carries out or enforces the laws, Judicial branch - branch that tells us what the laws mean, Process to Amend Constitution - 2/3 vote yes by both house and senate, 3/4th of state legislators vote yes , Amend - to change, Ratify - to accept , Civic duties of the people - Vote, obey laws, pay taxes, serve on jury, Article Strengths - Coin money, Make Treaties, Unite colonist, Declare War, Article Weaknesses - No taxing, One Vote Per state, 9/13 to pass law, 13/13 to Amend, Shay's Rebellion - Protest led by Farmers who couldn't pay taxes. Proved Articles were weak, Compromise - to come to agreement , Repeal - To take away or take back,
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