1) What is the process that breaks down landforms and rocks into smaller pieces? a) erosion b) weathering c) tornado 2) What do you call the different pieces that makeup soil? a) sediment b) pebbles c) rocks 3) What happened to this rock? a) it was weathered by rain b) it was weathered by wind c) it was weathered by ice 4) What happened to this rock formation? a) it was weathered by wind b) nothing happened to it c) it was weathered by water 5) The movement of sediments, or soil, from one place to another by some kind of force is... a) Erosion b) Weathering c) Sediment 6) When sediments, or soil, is moved to a new location is... a) Erosion b) Weathering c) deposition 7) What do you think eroded this sand? a) wind b) water c) ice 8) What do you think caused this erosion? a) wind b) ice c) waves 9) What do you think caused this landform? a) wind b) ice c) waves 10) What is NOT a type of sediment? a) clay b) sand c) water 11) What is the process that breaks down rock through chemical changes? a) physical weathering b) chemical weathering c) weathering 12) What landform was caused by chemical weathering? a) stalagmites and stalactites b) caves c) both of these are 13) Rocks are physically broken down into smaller pieces... a) chemical weathering b) physical weathering c) earth weathering 14) Which of these is a cause of physical weathering? a) freezing and thawing b) sand c) sky 15) Glaciers form which type of valleys... a) v-shaped b) canyons c) u-shaped 16) True or false... Physical weathering can change what the rock is made of... a) True b) False 17) Chemical or physical weathering? a) Chemical b) Physical c) Neither 18) A large mass of ice and snow on the Earth's surface a) glacier b) stalactite c) canyon 19) the high along a river and the river itself a) caves b) v-shaped valley c) canyon 20) rock formed by layers of sediments pressing together a) igneous rock b) metamorphic rock c) sedimentary rock

Weathering, Erosion and Deposition


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