True: Naruto has the 9 tailed fox sealed within him , In the anime black butler Sebastian is a demon, In the anime Sailor moon Sailor Jupiter's civilian name is Makoto Kino , Throughout the entirety of “Dragon Ball Z”, Goku only kills two characters: a miniboss named Yakon and Kid Buu., The anime Attack on Titan was directed by Tetsurō Araki, the same person who directed the anime Highschool of the Dead., Rin from blue exorcist is the son of satan, In the movie Howl's moving castle, howl is a wizard , Ciel Phantomhive sells his soul to a demon in search of protection and revenge against his parents’ death, Gunther was the first member of the First Levi Squad to die in ‘Attack on Titan, In ‘One Piece’, one of the priests in the Skypiea era is Ohm, False: In the anime 7 deadly sins, melodious is 18 years old , Mikasa Was the founding titan in attack on titan, In the 1988 film “Akira”, Tetsuo ends saving tokyo, L killed light in death note, In fairy tail, Natsu Dragneel ends up killing his friend Gray , Yuno is black clover is a prince of the heart kingdom , Goku was the first character in ‘Dragon Ball Z’ who achieved the Super Saiyan 2 , In the anime ‘Hunter X Hunter’, Killua's family are famous hunters, In ‘Clannad’, when Sanae first met Okazaki, she offers him white bread,
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