Frog was in his garden., Toad came walking by., "I wish I had a garden," said Toad. , Toad ran home., He planted the flower seeds., Toad walked up and down a few times. , The seeds did not start to grow. , Frog came running up the path. , These poor seeds are afraid to grow., Leave them alone for a few days., That night Toad looked out his window., Toad went out to his garden with some candles., Toad read a long story to his seeds. , All the next day Toad sang songs to his seeds. , And all the next day Toad read poems to his seeds., And all the next day Toad played music for his seeds. , "These must be the most frightened seeds in the whole world!", Then Toad felt very tired, and he fell asleep. , Toad looked at his garden. , Little green plants were coming up out of the ground. , "And now you will have a nice garden too," said Frog. ,
Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel - Unscramble the owrds to make sentences.
1st Grade
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