Truth: What is your hidden talent? , Share one job that you want to do when you grow up? , Name one food that you can't live without., Do you want to go to college one day? , What make you feel more nervous: going somewhere you have never been, or looking over a high cliff?, Do you like to dance by yourself or with other people?, Tell us about a skill that makes you unique? , Do you prefer cats, dogs, or both? , What is your favorite subject in school?, If you have to pick one food that you ate for the rest of your life, what would it be? , Dare: Run into another room and tell someone they are awesome!, Show us your best dance move, Give one person in our group a compliment, Share one embarrassing moment with us, Try to hop on one foot, turn in a circle, and snap your fingers, Share with the group one thing that scares you the most, Name one thing that you regret not doing, Show us the funniest dance move you know, Tell us one thing that discourages you in school, Show us your best floss! ,
Truth or Dare
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Social studies
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