adversaries - opponent or enemy , allies - a person, group, or country that has joined with another for a particular purpose, colonies - A colony is a group of people from one country who build a settlement in another territory, or land., militias - A group of citizens with some military training who are called into service only in emergencies., rebellion - an armed fight against one's government; uprising, regiment - a military unit made up usually of a number of battalions., repercussions - a widespread, indirect, or unexpected effect of something said or done Everyone felt the repercussions of the change., resented - to feel anger or bitterness about or toward, especially when something is seen to be unfair, sacrifice - If you sacrifice something that is valuable or important, you give it up, usually to obtain something else for yourself or for other people., patriot - colonists who supported American Revolution, loyalists - colonists who were loyal to Great Britain and the king , redcoats - name given to British soldiers because of their uniform, guerilla warfare - Style of fighting used by the Continental Army which included hit-and-run, surprise attacks, and ambushing the British., boycott - form of protest in which protestors refuse to buy goods. ,
Benchmark Fifth Grade Unit 7
5th Grade
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