contains the conchae, which allows the air we breathe to get warm and humid before entering the lungs., trachea - windpipe, epiglottis - a small flap of tissue, covers the airway when we swallow, Alveoli- the site of gas exchange, The 2 "branches" that extend into each lung - Bronchi, bronchioles - many, small, branch-like airways which connect from the bronchi to the alveoli, larynx - part of the airway containing the voicebox, pharynx - area in throat that connects the nose and mouth. Also, area utilized by both food and air, diaphram - muscle under the lungs which allow the lungs to expand and contracts as we breathe in and out, asthma - A chronic condition in which inflammation and thick mucus narrows the airway and makes it hard to breathe, pneumonia, bronchitis, flu, colds - Respiratory infections, largely preventable by proper hygiene , pneumonia - alveoli fill with mucus and pus, making air exchange difficult, cold - infection that affects the upper respiratory system; sinuses, throat, nose, exercise, healthy eating, good sleep - keeps our immune system strong to fight infections, Laryngitis - inflammation of the voice box, Mucus - lines the whole respiratory system and keeps it healthy by trapping germs.,
respiratory system
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