Shall I turn on the light? - No, you needn’t. It is still light in the room., May I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I can not finish it before. - No, that is too late. You must bring it to me not later than Wednesday., It is already six o’clock. - We must hurry if we don’t want to be late., You shouldn't give the child everything he wants - Otherwise, he will grow up to believe the world owes him a living., Jack was an excellent tennis player. - He could beat anybody., You have been working all day. - You must be tired., You have only just had dinner. - You can’t be hungry already., The fire spread through the building very quickly. - Fortunately, everyone managed to escape., The football match was cancelled last week. - Tom couldn’t have played anyway because he was ill., Why didn’t she say hello when he passed us in the street? - He might have been daydreaming , I can hear you quite clearly. - You needn’t shout., She’s been studying very hard. - She ought to pass her examination.,

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