1) Bob was walking on eggshells around his sister when she was in a bad mood. a) walk on broken eggs b) be cautious about your words or actions around someone else c) walk carefully on the ground 2) Sam took a book from the bin and lied to the teacher. He is a bad egg.  a) rotten egg b) a person who smells bad c) a person who behaves in a bad or dishonest way 3) Mary could hardly see out her window because it was raining cats and dogs! a) raining hard b) dogs and cats playing in the rain c) raining lightly 4) I went out on a limb to help my friend even though she didn't ask for help.  a) to climb a tree to help someone b) to take a risk when doing something c) a broken tree branch 5) I needed milk and toilet paper so I killed two birds with one stone and went shopping at Target.  a) to use one action to complete two tasks b) to buy two things at the store c) to hit something with a small rock 6) The woman is no spring chicken. She can't run as fast as she used to when she was younger.  a) a young person b) a person who acts like a chicken c) a person who is not young anymore 7) Joe had a spring in his step when he got the best grade in his class.  a) being in a happy or excited mood b) dancing down the street c) someone steps on a spring 8) She refuses to spring for a new book when she already has a whole bookshelf full of books. a) to spend money on something b) to go to the store c) to read a new book 9) The flowers will spring to life after you water them a few times.  a) to stand up tall b) to become suddenly alive or active c) to fall down 10) The kids will spring into action and work on their homework once they hear their mom coming up the stairs. . a) to suddenly start doing something b) jump up and down excitedly c) write down something you have to complete

Spring Idioms


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