1) Which one is correct? a) The dog was soft, cute, and sweet. b) The dog was soft, cute and sweet. c) The dog was soft cute and sweet. 2) Which one is correct? a) By the way, I don't like ice-cream. b) By the way I don't like ice-cream. c) By the way I don't, like ice-cream. 3) Which one is correct? a) In the park there was gathering of ten people singing. b) In the park, there was a gathering of ten people singing. c) There was a gathering of ten people singing, in the park. 4) Which one is correct? a) I was born on Tuesday, May 15, 1980. b) I was born on Tuesday May, 15, 1980. c) I was born on Tuesday May 15, 1980. 5) Which one is correct? a) Marco lives at 431 Tapp Street, Sinclair, New Jersey. b) Marco lives at 432 Tapp Street Sinclair New Jersey. c) Marco lives at 431, Tapp Street, Sinclair, New Jersey 6) Which one is correct? a) Sara, who is usually shy spent the night dancing with George. b) Sara, who is usually shy, spent the night dancing with George. c) Sara who is usually shy spent the night dancing with George. 7) Which one is correct? a) During my two years in Wisconsin I learned how to deal with snow. b) During my two years in Wisconsin, I learned how to deal with snow. c) During my two years in Wisconsin, I learned, how to deal with snow. 8) Which one is correct? a) The children it seems tend to play outside more these days. b) The children it seems, tend to play outside more these days. c) The children, it seems, tend to play outside more these days. 9) Which one is correct? a) Frankly I just do not enjoy going, to the beach. b) Frankly, I just do not enjoy going to the beach. c) Frankly I just do not enjoy, going to the beach. 10) Which one is correct? a) This is my new favorite food, sesame noodles. b) This is my new favorite, food sesame noodles. c) This is my new favorite food sesame noodles.
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