Jean Piaget - Stages of Cognitive Development: Assimilation and accommodation, Sensorimotor Stage (birth-2): infants learn about the world through 5 senses and moving/interacting with the environment, Object permanence (sensorimotor stage), Preoperational stage (2-7) - animism, egocentrism; conservation not yet understood, Concrete operational stage (7-12) - understand conservation, reversibility, Theory of mind - can consider someone else's thoughts, feelings, etc., Formal Operations stage (12-18) - abstract thinking, logic, reasoning, Erik Erikson - Stages of Psychosocial Development: Trust vs. Mistrust - infants learn to trust if basic needs are met, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt - toddlers learn to be independent (ex: potty training), Initiative vs. Guilt - preschoolers learn to make plans and carry out tasks, Industry vs. Inferiority - elementary-age kids develop work habits and a sense of competence, Identity vs. Role Confusion - adolescents may "try out" different roles and identities, Intimacy vs. Isolation - young adults form cose relationships, Generativity vs. Stagnation - middle adulthood; develop a sense of purpose through work, family, etc., Integrity vs. Despair - late adulthood; reflect back on life and feel satisfied (or dissatisfied) with achievements, Lawrence Kohlberg - Stages of Moral Development: Preconventional - act in self-interest; obey rules to get rewarded or avoid punishment, Conventional stage - follow laws and rules to maintain social order or gain approval, Postconventional stage - follow ethical principals ,
Theories of Development: Ages and Stages
11th Grade
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