1) They never made much money, ________ their success. a) such as b) moreover c) in spite of 2) _________ the pain in his leg, he completed the marathon. a) In other words, b) However c) In spite of 3) I enjoyed the course, _________ I would have liked more grammar practice. a) that's because b) although c) moreover, 4) _________ we saw each other every day, we didn't really know each other. a) Although b) As I see it c) Nevertheless 5) He has another appointment on Thursday. __________ , I don't think he'll be attending your gathering. a) In spite of this, b) In other words c) Nevertheless 6) The decorations were absolutely beautiful and ___________ , the children had made them themselves. a) therefore b) as I see it, c) what's more 7) He enjoys selling and, ____________, is good at it. a) not only that b) moreover c) therefore 8) London is a very expensive city. __________ , most of the museums are free! a) However b) Moreover c) Although 9) In the electronics industry, ___________ , 5,000 jobs are being lost. a) what is more, b) for instance c) therefore 10) I can play quite a few musical instruments, _________ , the flute, the guitar, and the piano. a) for example b) nevertheless c) what I mean is 11) Citrus fruits, __________ oranges and grapefruits, are high in vitamin C. a) such as b) what I mean is c) not only that 12) I am glad that we decided to go away for the weekend. __________ , it would have been nice to get some things done at home. a) On the other hand b) For instance c) For example 13) I got there really early; __________ I was first in line. a) that's because b) therefore c) such as 14) Smoking gives you bad breath. __________ , it is harmful to your health. a) Moreover b) For example c) Although
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