True: oa makes the long o sound, ay is used at the end of a syllable, Long e can be spelled e, e-consonant-e, ea, ee, ey, and y, ai is used in the middle of a syllable, ow can make two sounds, as in plow and snow, ea can make a long e sound (eat) or a short e sound (bread), -y can make the sounds long e or long i, oi is used in the middle of a syllable, -eigh makes a long a sound (The horse will neigh.), We circle vowel teams., oy is used at the end of a sylable, ey makes a long e sound, We read the base word first, then the suffix., False: ay is used in the middle of a syllable, oi is used at the end of a syllable, -y can only make a consonant sound, as in the word yellow, ai makes the short a sound, There are more vowels than consonants in the alphabet., ow can only make one sound, as in snow, ai is used at the end of a syllable, We underline suffixes., oy is used in the middle of a syllable, Long e can be spelled a-e, e, ai, a, and ay, Long a can be spelled ow or oa., ey makes a short e sound, Long o can be spelled ea or ee.,
Long Vowel Quiz through Level 2 Fundations Unit 12
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