True: Why are you turning on the TV? - I`m going to watch the news, Oh, I don`t have any money. - Don`t worry, I`ll lend you some , I`ve got a headache. - Wait and I`ll get aspirin for you, Why are you filling the bucket with water? -I`m going to wash the car, Are you going shopping? Yes, I am going to buy some things for dinner, I don`t know how to use a phone. It`s easy, I`ll show you, Did you call Liza? Oh no, I forgot, I`ll call her now, Look at the sky! It`s going to be rain, False: Why are you turning on the TV? - I`ll watch the news, Oh, I don`t have any money. - Don`t worry, I am going to lend you some, I`ve got a headache. - Wait and I am going to get aspirin for you, Why are you filling the bucket with water? -I`ll wash the ca, Are you going shopping? Yes, I`ll buy some things for dinner, I don`t know how to use a phone. It`s easy, I am going to show you, Did you call Liza? Oh no, I forgot, I`m going to call her now, Look at the sky! It`ll rain,
will be going to
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