1) Which is the correct glued sound? a) -ink b) -onk c) -ank 2) Which is the correct glued sound? a) -ong b) -unk c) -ink 3) Which is the correct glued sound? a) -ank b) -onk c) -ang 4) Which is the correct glued sound? a) -ing b) -ink c) -ank 5) Which is the correct glued sound? a) -ong b) -onk c) -ink 6) Which is the correct glued sound? a) -all b) -unk c) -an 7) What is the correct spelling of the baseword and suffix? a) fangz b) fangs c) fengs 8) What is the correct spelling of the baseword and suffix? a) kings b) kongs c) kingz

Glued Sounds Review



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