Would you rather spend summer with your family in an RV or in a fancy hotel?, Would you rather go to summer camp with your friends or stay home with your family?, Would you rather swim in the ocean or swim in a pool?, Would you rather go fishing or go waterskiing?, Would you rather live on a boat for the summer or live in a tree house?, Would you rather be a lifeguard or a carnival ride operator?, Would you rather spend summer on a farm or in the big city?, Would you rather get really bad sunburn or get stung by a jellyfish?, Would you rather float in the pool on a giant unicorn or a giant dragon?, Would you rather watch the clouds during the day or see the stars at night?, Would you rather always have to wear a snorkel on your face or flippers on your feet?, Would you rather go to a crowded beach or a deserted island?, Would you rather ride a rollercoaster or a waterslide?, Would you rather walk barefoot on grass or walk barefoot in the sand?, Would you rather surf the waves or read a book?, Would you rather run through a field of sunflowers or paddle down a river?, Would you rather have seashells for ears or a starfish for a nose?, Would you rather make friends with a dolphin or with a llama?, Would you rather eat only hamburgers all summer or only watermelon all summer?, Would you rather get stung by a bee or bitten by a mosquito?, Would you rather take part in a water balloon fight or get invited to a piñata party?, Would you rather have a bouncy castle in your backyard or a movie theater?, Would you rather go the mountains for the summer or go to the beach?, Would you rather go white water rafting or zip lining?, Would you rather eat ice cream everyday or s’mores every night?.
Would you Rather Summer
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
Social studies
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