Addiction Counseling - Work with persons and families affected by alcohol, drugs, gambling, sexual and other addictive disorders (e.g., food-related)., Career Counseling - Help persons wanting to make career decisions and explore the intersection of their education, skills, interests, and personality to determine and plan for possible career paths., Clinical Mental Health Counseling - Work with clients across a spectrum of mental and emotional disorders, as well as to promote mental health and wellness. Clients may be seen individually, in couples, families, or group settings., Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling - Help persons with cognitive, physical, sensory, psychiatric, and other disabilities work through a variety of mental health issues and provide treatment of mental disorders, including co-occurring disorders., Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling - Work with individuals, couples and families from a family systems perspective across a variety of mental and emotional disorders, relationship issues, or communication issues., Rehabilitation Counseling - Work collaboratively with individuals with disabilities, their support systems, and their environments to achieve their personal, social, psychological, and vocational goals., School Counseling - Work with students ranging from kindergarten through high school., Student Affairs and College Counseling, College Counseling (ClC), Student Affairs (SA) or Student Affairs College Counseling (SACC) - Work at a college’s or university’s housing and residential life office, assisting with management activities at a student union, offering student leadership activities and orientation sessions, or providing counseling, career services, and multicultural support services., Counselor Education and Supervision - Work as counselor educators, supervisors, researchers, and practitioners in academic and clinical settings.,
Careers in Counseling
Higher Education
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