Tell about time you went on the interview for a job/course. When was it? What questions were you dicussing?, Tell about a time you read something in your horoscope and it came true. What was the prediction for you? Had you ever had such a situation before?, Tell about time you had a very sad birthday party. How old were you? What were you doing then? What spoilt your mood? Did you tell anybody that you hadn't enjoyed it?, Tell about an exam you failed. What was the subject? How old were you? Had you prepared before?, Tell about a time you lost something important. What was it? How did you understand you had lost it? Did you find it after? Did it make any problems to you?, Tell about a holiday you didn't enjoy. Where did you go? Had you been there before? Who did you go with? Why didn't you enjoy it?, Tell about a time when you met a celebrity. Who was it? When was it? What was he/she doing there?, Tell about a time when your parents got angry with you. How old were you? What had you done? Did your parents punish you?, Tell about a time someone stole something from you (or from someone you know). What was it? Did you get it back? What had you done before you understood it was stolen? Did you call the police?, Tell about a holiday you enjoyed. Where did you go? Who did you go with? Had you been there before? Why did you like it?.
B1 Narrative tenses - stories
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