illustrate - provide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures;explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.; serve as an example of. , instruct - direct or command someone to do something, especially as an official order; teach (someone) a subject or skill., note - notice or pay particular attention to (something); , provide - make available for use; supply;, quote - repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker; repeat a passage from (a work or author) or statement by (someone)., infer - deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements., use logic - use a proper or reasonable way of thinking about something : sound reasoning, find clues - look for and use something that will help understand, or solve a mystery or puzzle., predict - say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something., find a solution - discover the way to solve a problem; issue, remind - cause (someone) to remember someone or something., encourage - give support, confidence, or hope to (someone)., assign - appoint (someone) to a particular job, task, or organization., reward - make a gift of something to (someone) in recognition of their services, efforts, or achievements., guess - estimate or suppose (something) without sufficient information to be sure of being correct.,
useful verbs and their definition (TOEFL JUNIOR) part 1
toefl junior
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
Higher Education
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