1) What is the matter? a) She has a backache b) His arm hurts c) He has a stomachache d) He has a cold e) He is coughing f) He hurt his leg 2) What is the matter? a) S_e h__ a ba__a__e b) H_s __m h__ts c) H_ __s a st___ch___e d) He has a c___ e) H_ _s cough___ f) H_ h__t his l__ 3) What is the matter? a) S_e h__ a ba__a__e b) H_s __m h__ts c) H_ __s a st___ch___e d) He has a c___ e) H_ _s cough___ f) H_ h__t his l__ 4) What is the matter? a) S_e h__ a ba__a__e b) H_r __m h__ts c) H_ __s a st___ch___e d) He has a c___ e) H_ _s cough___ f) H_ h__t his l__ 5) What is the matter? a) S_e h__ a ba__a__e b) H_r __m h__ts c) H_ __s a st___ch___e d) He has a c___ e) H_ _s cough___ f) H_ h__t his l__ 6) What is the matter? a) S_e h__ a ba__a__e b) H_r __m h__ts c) H_ __s a st___ch___e d) He has a c___ e) H_ _s cough___ f) H_ h__t his l__

movers health


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