Correct: A car turning a corner, Hitting a baseball, A runner slowing down, A car accelerating at a green light, A bowling ball knocking pins down, Slowing down at a red light, A rocket launching, A plane taking off, Lifting a box off the ground, A cheerleader doing a backflip, A soccer ball kicked from player to player, A dog jumping up and down, A car changing speed, Flowing water in a river, A skier skiing down a slope, Incorrect: A lamp sitting on a table, A rock resting on the ground, A satellite orbiting the Earth at a constant speed, A soccer ball motionless on the ground, Books sitting on the shelf, A cookie sitting on a plate, A person sitting in a chair, A plane flying at a constant speed, A person standing waiting to cross the road, A parked car, A car at a stop light, A rocket sitting on the launch pad, Driving at a constant speed in a school zone, A puddle of water, A bowling ball resting on the rack,
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
6th Grade
8th Grade
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