1) Someone sat in your seat - you yell at them 2) Someone sat in your seat - you find another seat 3) Your friend is playing with someone else - you pout at recess 4) Your friend is playing with someone else - you find another friend to play with 5) You wanted pizza for dinner but mom makes hamburgers - you don't eat dinner 6) You wanted a piece of candy at the store, but dad says no - you throw yourself on the ground 7) You want a piece of candy at the store, but dad says no - you say "okay" 8) You want to watch TV but you have to go to bed - you go to your room and sleep 9) You want to watch TV but you have to go to bed - you scream and cry 10) You wanted pizza for dinner but mom makes hamburgers - you eat what mom made 11) Your schedule changes and you have to work with a new teacher - you refuse to do work 12) Your schedule changes and you have to work with a new teacher - you work hard with your new teacher 13) LOSE 1 14) LOSE 1

Flexible Thinking RANDOM BOX


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