Line - basic mark made in order to create shapes and movement, or show direction, Shapes - areas of enclosed space that art flat/ 2 dimensional, Geometrical - mathematic shapes, like circles, triangles, and squares, Organic - natural shapes like clouds, trees, and leaves, Space - the area around, above, or below; illusion of depth on a flat surface, Form - 3 dimensional version of a shape such as a cone, cube, or sphere, Value - the lightness or darkness of tones or colors, Color - derived from reflected light; consists of 3 properties: hue, intensity, value., Texture - refers to the way something feels or looks like it may feel if touched, Hue - the name given to a color, Intensity - the amount of saturation a color has, Scale/ Size - how small or big an object is in comparison to another,

Elements of Art


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