Expected Conversations Skills: Eye contact: looking at the other person, Body facing the other person, Sharing the conversation, Making comments so the person knows you're listening, Asking the other person questions, Trading information to get to know one another, Making comments like "that's cool!" and "that sounds fun!", Entering a conversation with "Hi, how are you today?!", Having calm body, Telling the other person if you're having a bad day so that they aren't confused why you're acting different, Respecting your teachers, therapists, and/or parents, Using a nice and friendly tone of voice, Unexpected Conversation Skills: Being a conversation hog, Interrupting, Only talking about yourself, Walking away without saying "be right back" or "bye", Getting too personal at first, Not responding to what the other person says, Making comments like "so what?" and "nah.", Being a conversation interviewer, Saying "I know" when you get a compliment, Bragging about how smart you are, Using a mean and condescending tone of voice, Continuing to change the topic that the other person started,
Conversation Skills: Expected Versus Unexpected
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
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Tämä tulostaulu on poistettu käytöstä, koska vaihtoehdot eroavat tehtävän omistajan vaihtoehtoista.
Palauta Optiot
on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.
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