subcontinent - is a large land mass that is set apart from the rest of the continent, river system - main river and all of the other rivers and streams that drain into it, monsoons - seasonal winds that brings rain to the Indian subcontinent, granary - special building used to hold grain, citadel - fortified are, Veda - is a collection of hundreds of sacred hymns, Brahmins - were the highest varna, Kshatriyas - rulers and warriors, Vaishyas - landowners, bankers, and merchants, Sudras - who did farm work and other manual work, dalits - these people has to do dirty jobs that no one else wanted, such as cleaning toilets or butchering animals, Brahmanism - ws a religion based on priests and rituals, particularly sacrifices to the gods, gurus - thinker or teacher, Brahman - in Hinduism, the supreme cosmic consciousness spiritual force or god, reincarnation - the rebirth of a soul in a new body, karma - is the effect of a person's action in this and previous life, dharma - is a person's duty or what is right for him or her, ahimsa - avoiding doing harm to any living thing, moksha - liberation from reincarnation, meditate - means to calm or clear the mind, often focusing on a single object, enlightenment - a state of perfect wisdom, nirvana - is a state of blissful peace without desire or suffering, monasteries - religious communites, Theravada Buddism - focuses on the wisdom of the Buddism, Mahayana Buddism - focuses on Buddha compassion, bureaucracy - system of offices that carries out government rules and regulation, subjects - people under his rule, tolerance - a willingness to respect different beliefs and customs,
India Vocabulary
6th Grade
Social studies
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