Lesson Preparation - SIOP component that deals with content and language objectives, supplementary materials, and adapting content for ELs, Content Objective - The objective that deals with the content of the subject area. It pinpoints what the teacher want the student to learn, Language Objective - The objective that deals with what the students will be able to do through reading, writing, listening, and speaking, Verbal Scaffolding - This type of scaffold provides prompts, questions, and elaboration to facilitate students’ movement to higher levels of language proficiency, comprehension, and thinking., Instructional Scaffolding - This kind of scaffolding is a process through which supports for students are added in order to aid in the mastery of tasks., Procedural Scaffolding - This type of scaffold makes content comprehensible by providing tools, resources, and other types of support before, during, and after instruction, Scaffolding - A step-by-step process of building students’ ability to complete tasks independently., Schema - Our knowledge of the world – provides a basis for understanding, learning, and remembering facts and ideas., Building Background - Concepts explicitly linked to student background experiences and past learning, Interaction Component - This component discusses how sufficient wait time for student responses should be consistently provided, Comprehensible Input - This component uses a variety of instructional techniques to make concepts clear to EL students, Grouping Configurations - This is a feature of the interaction component that allows for a shifting of student groups to support language and content,
SIOP Review 2
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