Dyslexia Myths: People with dyslexia read backwards, Dyslexia is caused by uncoordinated eye movements, Most studies indicate that about 5% of school-age students have dyslexia., People with dyslexia have below average Intelligence., All poor readers have dyslexia., Physicians can prescribe medications to help students with dyslexia., Dyslexia only exists in opaque languages such as English. , Dyslexia is not based in the brain., Dyslexia Facts: Individuals with dyslexia often have other cognitive strengths., Dyslexia has the same prevalence in males and femalese , Children with dyslexia may struggle with comprehension due to limited reading experience., Comprehension problems are not a primary factory of dyslexia., Children with dyslexia have difficulty orthograpic mapping., Phonological processing deficits cause dyslexia, Students with dyslexia may have secondary self-esteem challenges., Dyslexia is a language-based disorder,

Dyslexia Myths and Facts



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