1) Are giraffes taller than penguins? a) Yes, they are. b) No, they aren't. 2) Are parrots noisier than turtles? a) Yes, they are. b) No, they aren't. 3) Tigers are ..... than rabbits.  a) bigger b) smaller c) big 4) Koalas are .... than kangaroos. a) bigger b) quicker c) smaller 5) A car is .... than a lorry. a) smaller b) bigger c) small 6) Goofy is .... than Mickey. a) shorter b) taller c) short 7) Koalas are .... than bears. a) quicker b) smaller c) slow 8) Elephants are ... than ants. a) smaller b) bigger c) quiet 9) The laptop is ... than the mobile phone. a) small b) bigger c) noisy 10) The bee is ....than Pooh. a) big b) bigger c) smaller 11) Pikachu is ... than Ash. a) taller b) shorter c) quiet




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