1) Health care programs and services, and occupational and consumer health & safety. a) Military b) Health c) Government d) Food and Agriculture 2) National defense, nuclear weapons activities, war costs, and international security assistance. a) Health b) Food and Agriculture c) Military d) Housing and Community 3) Annual interest paid on the national debt, net of interest income received by assets the federal government owns. a) Interest on Debt b) Health c) Education d) International Affairs 4) Income security programs, federal employee retirement and disability, and job training. a) Unemployment and Labor b) Energy and Environment c) Science d) Housing and Community 5) Health care, housing, education and income security for veterans. a) Energy and Environment b) Transportation c) Health d) Veterans 6) Agriculture and nutritional assistance programs. a) Government b) Food and Agriculture c) Interest on Debt d) Transportation 7) Elementary, secondary, higher and vocational education. a) Education b) Energy and Environment c) Housing and Community d) Veterans 8) Law enforcement and the justice system, commerce, overhead costs of the federal government, and undistributed offsetting receipts. a) Science b) Interest on Debt c) Transportation d) Government 9) Housing assistance and credit, community development, disaster relief, and services supporting social needs. a) Housing and Community b) Interest on Debt c) Military d) International Affairs 10) Natural resources and environment, conservation, and supply and use of energy. a) Interest on Debt b) Energy and Environment c) Veterans d) Government 11) Diplomatic, development, and humanitarian activities abroad. a) International Affairs b) Education c) Housing and Community d) Food and Agriculture 12) General science research and space flight research and activities. a) Veterans b) Science c) Education d) Food and Agriculture 13) Development and support of air, water, ground, and other transportation. a) Housing and Community b) Transportation c) Health d) Veterans
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