a closed comedo is a follicle impacted with dead cells and solidified sebum, Vitiligo is a hereditary condition that causes hypopigmentation on the skin, Extrinsic factors are primarily environmental factors that contribute to ageing, a skin tag is a small brown-colored or flesh colored outgrowth of the skin, Sebum is a fatty or oily secretion that lubricates the skin and preserves the softness of hair, Fibrous protein that gives skin form and strength is called collagen, Sweat glands excrete perspiration and detoxify the body by excreting excess salt and unwanted chemicals, Cyst are closed, abnormally developed sac that contains fluid, pus, semifluid, or morbid matter above or below the skin, Primary lesions are a different color than the color of the skin, and or lesions that are raised above the surface of the skin, Dermatitis is an inflammatory condition of the skin, A mole is a small brownish spot or blemish on the skin, ranging in color from pale tan to brown or bluish black, The most serious form of skin cancer a malignant melanoma which is characterized by black or dark brown patches on the skin that appear uneven in texture, Tiny grains of pigment that are produced by melanocytes are melanin, Hypopigmentation is the absence of pigment, resulting in light splotches, The medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin and it's nature, structure, functions, diseases, and treatments is called dematology, Psoriasis is a skin disease characterized by red patches covered with silver-white scales, Leukoderma skin disorder characterized by light, abnormal patches; caused by a burn, scar, inflammation, or congenital disease, Sweat glands excrete perspiration and detoxify the body and are called sudoriferous glands, Motor nerve fibers are distributed to the arrector pili muscles attached to the hair follicles, Impetigo is a contagious bacterial skin infection characterized by weeping lesions; usually caused by a staphylococcus bacteria,
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